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Services in the Energy Sector

Projects Supported by Janitza Improve Energy Efficiency

Projects supported by Janitza enhance energy efficiency through an integrated and innovative energy data management solution compliant with ISO 50001. Our products and solutions are tailored to meet the specific requirements of various industries, helping to save so much energy that they pay for themselves in a short time.

Electric energy is a valuable commodity. To ensure better energy availability, solutions are needed to improve energy quality, optimize reliable supply, and reduce power outages. The demands for power supply reliability and network quality are very high. Janitza's GridVis measurement and visualization software provides the foundation for effective, efficient, and reliable energy management.


Energy Management Solutions

The foundation for energy management in accordance with standards is ISO 50001 and related standards, such as ISO 50006. These require a continuous improvement process and provide guidelines and specifications for implementation. Additionally, they define key data that must be collected for monitoring measures and for certification.

Proper implementation of standard requirements and assessment of energy consumption development necessitates the collection of energy data.

Effective energy management is crucial for companies. It helps reduce energy costs, optimize resource utilization, and provides an overview of energy consumption and processes. Furthermore, it assists in compliance with regulations and provides access to financing opportunities.

Proper energy management helps you remain competitive, reduce costs, and protect the environment simultaneously.

Manufacturing of Switchgear

One of our main activities is the manufacturing of low-voltage home and meter distribution boards, as well as the management of technology and other industrial distribution equipment. We supply meter distribution boards ready for installation, equipped with circuit breakers. For home distribution boards, we offer the option to configure the board according to individual requirements and needs. The customer comes first with us. With us, you get a satisfaction guarantee. Everything is hassle-free. Our goals are fair dealings, satisfied customers, top-quality service, and peace of mind.

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Delivery within 24 hours
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Reviews from customers

Projects supported by Janitza improve energy efficiency

The wide range of UMG products allows the selection of the appropriate device for monitoring and controlling electricity consumption, tailored to the specific requirements of the point of consumption. A variety of logical functions and user settings are, of course, available.

Energy Management and Power Quality Monitoring


The foundation for energy management in accordance with standards is ISO 50001 and related standards, such as ISO 50006. These standards require a continuous improvement process and provide guidelines and specifications for implementation. Additionally, they define key data that must be collected for monitoring measures and for certification.

To properly implement the requirements of these standards and assess energy consumption trends, the collection of energy data is essential.

Effective energy management is crucial for companies. It helps reduce energy costs, optimize resource utilization, and provides insights into energy consumption and processes. Moreover, it aids in compliance with regulations and grants access to financing options.

Proper energy management helps you remain competitive, reduce costs, and protect the environment.


Modern energy management operations are based on recorded energy data and key figures (e.g., KPIs and EnPIs). These are the basis for all further measures and allow for the evaluation of the measures taken and the energy management system.

Whether energy management is to be implemented in industry or buildings, energy data must be meticulously recorded at multiple levels. The measuring technology used must be tailored to the specific task and capture all required measured values. In particular, in industrial energy management, measuring devices that record multiple outlets simultaneously offer a good option for obtaining an accurate overview in a cost-effective manner.


With GridVis®, you can evaluate your energy data and calculate key values. Visualization options for energy flows, consumption, and development over a selected time period provide a quick overview and help determine the effectiveness of individual measures. GridVis® is certified according to ISO 50001.


At Janitza, you will obtain the right hardware and software for your energy management system. Reliable energy measurement devices and the GridVis network visualization software enable you to quickly and easily adapt your system. Regardless of whether your company is growing, you need even more precise measured data, or new requirements must be met, with perfectly matched components, you are well-prepared.

Gain control over energy consumption

Gaining a good overview of your energy consumption is a crucial factor for success. However, collecting data at the feeder alone is not enough to achieve transparency. Instead, energy data needs to be collected and analyzed across all divisions of the company and network levels. This enables businesses to monitor consumption and identify sources of disturbances and energy waste.

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